Anne Hathaway.

Helena Bonham Carter and Anne Hathaway.

Never Shout Never.

Singer Kerli.

Johnny Depp and Matt Lucas.

Trace Cyrus, of the band Metro Station.

Sean Foreman, of the group 3OH!3.

Anne Hathaway and Tim Burton.

Mason Musso, of the band Metro Station.

Mia Wasikowska.
All photos: AP Photo/Matt Sayles.
oh Mia is beautiful. they all look so nice!
I don't like the fact that they keep gearing this film and Tim Burton-related stuff to the Hot Topic crowd
I have to agree with Jack about Mia Wasikowska, she's absolutely beautiful.
Mia Wasikowska is naturally beautiful while others just try to hard to be beautiful.
Anonymous, thats because Hot Topic is like the only one that will sell and promote the movie. No other store will do it.
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