Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"Batman" on Blu-Ray

DVD Review has reported that Warner Bros. is planning on releasing Batman on a two-disc Blu-Ray set for its twentieth anniversary next year. No artwork is ready yet, but the release date is tentatively scheduled for March 31st, 2009.

The article stated that the release will come as two-disc Digibook version, containing a BD-25 for the movie and the second disc for the bonus materials. No other information, such as which extras will be featured, have been announced yet.


Anonymous said...


P.S. It seems that Alice is no longer in 3D according to this:


Yuri Renó Martins said...

Where is the RSS? Why doesnt it update?

Anonymous said...

There is an Advert in empire magazine UK, december 22nd for Batman, Batman Returns, Forever and Batman and Robin on Blue ray "packed with bonus features"