Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter Attend "Harry Potter 5" Premiere

Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter arrived at a cinema in central London to see the premiere of the newest film in the series, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, on Tuesday, July 3rd, 2007. Helena Bonham Carter has a role in the film as the character Bellatrix Lestrange. Photo provided by the Associated Press.

View more pictures here, provided by the Collective's very own Melanie McDermott, a.k.a. Pierrot Somepeople : http://www.flickr.com/photos/pierrotsomepeople/sets/72157600631562233/


redfox said...

Tim keeps Edward Scissorhands in his wife´s closet or something? cause that dress- what a cut....

Anonymous said...

Helena might've taken "Corpse Bride" too literally, but you must love the couple.

deppthinker said...

What a perfectly ethereal couple.... Gotta love 'em.

Anonymous said...

My favorite celeb couple. ;)

Anonymous said...

It's funny how thy look so perfect togheter. Helena is so beautiful and Tim is not exactly 'hot'...

Anonymous said...

OMG, what are you talking about? Tim doesn't NEED to be hot!!! He's hot in his own special way...

Anonymous said...

Damn. they're rich but it looks like they don't even own a shower, a comb, or a mirror! They both look gross.

redfox said...

*seeks out the last anonymous and bites his head off and pushes the rest into a termite nest*

Anonymous said...

No man but seriously, they could put a little bit more effort into their appearance.

Anonymous said...

But that is their look. Did anyone see Helena on Friday Night with Jonathon Ross? It's on in the UK. She's loverly and she was talking about her stylist saying how she's the best at making your hair look like its been unwashed for weeks.
I think theyre just both unique and they're not afraid to be that way. It's fun.

Anonymous said...

I suppose you're right. Tim Burton belongs behind the camera though, not infront of it.

Anonymous said...

Helena is deathly pale :/

Anonymous said...

i actually like the pink on her! They both have their own style and i LOVE it! I only wish i had the nerve to pull it off.

BTW--she was brilliant in this movie! My only complaint was that she wasnt in it enough but still when she was on screen she was FANTASTIC!!

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter what you people think they look like. I'm glad Helena has the balls, hahaha, to feel comfortable in what she wears or how she looks, and I think she's beautiful, especially in show business. I THANK GOD SHE'S NOT ANOTHER LINDSAY LOHAN OR ONE OF THOSE WHORES ON SOAP OPERAS. The world already has enough fake tits.

Anonymous said...

and besides, they're ARTISTS, PEOPLE.
I'm glad to see such a unique pair in the limelight.