Thursday, August 11, 2005

Matthew McGrory passes away

Actor Matthew McGrory who is best remembered to Burton fans as Karl the Giant in Big Fish, has passsed away. Aged 32, he died of apparent natural causes.

His latest movie on release was Rob Zombie's The Devils Rejects, which is still in theatres.

McGrory had recently been working on a biopic of wrestler-turned-actor Andre the Giant, who was familiar to movie fans from The Princess Bride.


Anonymous said...

This is really sad news. McGrory was a great actor and he was wonderful in Big Fish. He'll be missed.

Anonymous said...

today is a sad day for all moive fans and actor fans a moment of silince............

Anonymous said...

requiescat in pace.

Anonymous said...

Is his true? Wow. He was awesome!

Anonymous said...

It´s been terrible and shocking news. He will always be in our hearts as he was Karl, the "biggest" part of "Big Fish".

He was a Record Guinness actor. He still is.

Anonymous said...

That's sad. I really loved that man. He was perfect and touching in Burton's Big Fish, he was also an interesting actor I think...

Anonymous said...

He was a really great man. R.I.P. Matthew :(

Anonymous said...

Reat in Peace McGrory.
"The Nightmare Before Christmas is going to be in kingdom hearts 2 again(yeah!)

Anonymous said...

Images of halloween town and christmas town in Kingdom Hearts 2(ps2 game)

Anonymous said...

I was so shocked when I saw the news about his death. He was way too young, and was just breakingout as an actor.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Goodbye to my favourite Giant,


Anonymous said...

best...giant....ever!!! T_T

Anonymous said...

o my gosh that is so sad. he is most certainly in my prayers...

Eat2Live - Michele said...

Really sad, a lot of giants have very painful and short lives. I really liked him in Bubble Boy as well. I haven't been so amused since Spring Break and the great wet boxer contest!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry for bringing this up while everyone's mourning McGrory. =( but... is the forum online? I just keep getting a message saying "Could not connect to database".

Once again, I'm really sorry about McGrory's death, and my tactless intrusion.

Anonymous said...

I'm a huge fam of Tim Burton and Big Fish was a great fiim.McGrory was great as Karl the Giant and I'm dissapointed that he passed away. Here's to you big guy.

P.S. Happy birthday, Tim! Can't wait for Corpse Bride. I look foward to your approching films and i wish you luck on your future projects!

Anonymous said...

Addio Karl, magari anche tu ti sei trasformato in un pesce alla fine, spero che ci incontreremo di nuovo in quel fiume.

An italian Tim Burton fan

Anonymous said...

Gosh, who's next? Too many great people have died this year; Dr. Hunter S. Thompson, Mitch Hedberg, Johnny Carson, James Doohan. Mr. McGrory will certainly be missed just as much. I wonder if they'll still release that biopic?

I wish I had a forum to talk about this in.

Anonymous said...

seriously, what's up with the forum?

not another bleedin hack, is it?... =(((

Anonymous said...

yeah you guys said it would be up in about 2 or 3 days it been like 6! just wonderin.

Anonymous said...

Matt was a great guy. Many know him from his movies but I knew him as friend. Since he moved to the west coast we only saw each other once in a blue moon but he was a great person to talk with. We sat for many hours, on th job, talking and having some laughs. Those who were lucky enough to know him, know just how extraordinary he really was. We'll miss you Matty.

Anonymous said...

u smacks some one died! have some respect! you could live with out you fourm for another day for gods sake ! RIP McGroy... you are in my thoughts a moment of silince...........

Anonymous said...

any one know if Tim has relased any satements concering McGroy?

Anonymous said...

oh my god is this true this is really sad news he was one of the greatest actors ive ever known

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it... Karl was my favourite character in 'Big Fish', and McGrory was a very talented actor... It's so sad his life has been cut short... RIP

Anonymous said...

I'm still in shock...I just can't believe he's gone.

redfox said...

that is very very sad !
I´ve heard way too many sad news recently. my good friend and helper lost his wife and sister in a plane crash. and a golden medal is being taken away from our first World Champion ever.
this is the saddest. Poor Matthew.

Anonymous said...

hey guys matt was my cousin and i jsut want to say thanks for all of the nice things youve said

Anonymous said...

Matty, I'm having a Jack and Coke for you--remember when we finished that bottle of Seagram's 7, but only used half a can of ginger ale?? I hope you are running free and smiling down on all of us! I love you and I miss you, you ARE the greatest, and always will be. Lots of love to you, Big S

Anonymous said...

I'm so very sorry to hear this news.

Anonymous said...

I saw Matt in Alma, Arkansas in a Cracker Barrel Store. He was so nice and he talked to my daughter who was such a fan. He will truly be missed.

Anonymous said...

I remember this guy when I worked with his Sister and Parents at their restaurant in the late 80s While at West Chester Univ. He was the coat checker, and probably one of the sweetest people I ever met, and sharp as a tack. Mark

Anonymous said...

I remember this guy when I worked with his Sister and Parents at their restaurant in the late 80s While at West Chester Univ. He was the coat checker, and probably one of the sweetest people I ever met, and sharp as a tack. My heart goes out to Mo, Aim, and the old Rosie O Gradies gang. Mark

Anonymous said...

Here's another tribute page for him...

Anonymous said...

God im gonna miss this guy. Iloved him in house of 1000 corpses, and Devil's Rejects. This makes me want to cry

Anonymous said...

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