Thursday, January 08, 2009

Burton and Bonham Carter in Vogue Photoshoot

In case you didn't see them, here are pictures from the crazy and surreal Vogue UK photoshoot, "Tales of the Unexpected," by Tim Walker. These photos featuring Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter were published in the December 2008 issue of Vogue UK. There looks to be some Charlie and the Chocolate Factory influence in the perplexing and charming mix of photographs.

To see larger versions of the pictures, click on the thumbnails below. Pictures from and


Anonymous said...

Wow, these photos are amazing!

Anonymous said...

Helena looks stunning - Tim looks awkward

Anonymous said...

they really are awesome!!!
helena's hairstyle is really great! Love it! ..tim's is that crazy anyway ;)
most I like the picture in the lift.. and the second one..
but I think that the picture in which helena is that cat lady doesn't match that good...
but all together I really love that photos!

Anonymous said...

To be honest...

Tim's photo shoots with Lisa-Marie were better. These seem like they're trying to copy those lovely shots.

redfox said...

must have been fun. he never usually looks like he is enjoying his photos being taken, but here, he does.

redfox said... howdydoodl. Fox tail!!!!

Angilram said...

Thank you for these. These photos are as weird and crazy (in a good way) as the models!