Sunday, April 27, 2008

Burton Denies Duping Lisa Marie

Tim Burton has denied allegations from his ex-girlfriend Lisa Marie that he had tricked her out of promised assets after the two broke up, reports.

"The suggestion made by [Lisa Marie] that I engaged in any conduct which was calculated to deceive completely false and completely ludicrous," Burton says in a seven-page court declaration filed Thursday, April 24th, 2008.

Lisa Marie, who appeared in several of Burton's films, sued the director in 2006 for fraud and breach of fiduciary contract, alleging he cheated her out of an equitable division of their accumulated property. Burton and Marie ended their 10-year relationship in 2001, when Burton met actress Helena Bonham Carter.

Lisa Marie claims that the filmmaker agreed to bankroll her for life in exchange for serving as his personal manager and acting in his films, the article stated. The article went on to say that Marie's suit seeks to rescind three previous legal settlements between them, accusing Burton of orchestrating a conspiracy theory—getting various friends and counselors, including her own lawyer, to convince her into accepting a smaller payout.

Burton denies the accuracy of these charges. "Allegations that I did, or intended to do, anything illegal, unethical or improper to cause [her] to sign agreements are complete fabrications," he states in his affidavit.

Barry King/

The director says he went to great lengths to reach an amicable settlement, selling two apartment buildings he owned in New York and borrowing $3.5 million to pay her. He also claims to have gave $715,000 to the IRS in gift taxes for one of his payments to her.

"My goal was to provide [Lisa Marie] with sufficient resources to permit [her] to take care of herself for the rest of her life, and had nothing whatsoever to do with any legal obligation," his statement says.

Burton's lawyer, Joseph Mannis, also wants the complaint thrown out: "We believe that the lawsuit is frivolous and have filed a motion for summary judgment," says Mannis. "Mr. Burton believes he was very generous in the amount of money he gave her and does not believe he owes her more.

"Mr. Burton also doesn't believe he did anything wrong."

The next hearing in the case is set for July 14th, 2008.


redfox said...

Lisa Marie, ahev you not heard of the saying "Dont bite the hand that feeds you"?

Anonymous said...

god what a stupid poop-head(wanted to be polite)...grrr...damn that poopy pants!

Anonymous said...

Sorry but what an idiot! She's got more chance of losing out on the money she's already been given than getting more! She needs to sort herself out

Anonymous said...

If people agree with me, please write a copy of my letter to Lisa Marie:

Lisa Marie,

Move back into your van DOWN BY THE RIVER!!!!!


Matt Sara.

Anonymous said...

will do! i have nothing better to do...nevermind that i have 4 hours worth of homework...

Eduard Vilde Muuseum / Kastellaanimaja Galerii said...

haven´t you heard of peace on earth and good will among all men?

Anonymous said...

Yeah I have
But Lisa Marie obviously hasn't