The big-screen adaptation of Dark Shadows might be a bit delayed -- but that might be a good indication that Johnny Depp and possibly Tim Burton, who are both quite busy right now with several projects, will be making the movie.
Sam Sarkar, Infinitum’s director of development, confirmed that Depp would star in the movie. And Burton directing?: "I can neither confirm nor deny that,” he said. “But I know it’s out there in the ether."
Another (albeit anonymous) insider in Hollywood had this to say: "It is our intention to still start the movie in the fall. We're trying to work it out, and Tim Burton is Johnny's first and only choice to direct."
So while the shoot might be postponed, the project is very active in pre-production currently.
More information to come in the future!
i love this pair but I really wish they'd branch out, tim especially. I was hoping he'd approach a new project with some of his other "regulars" or find new talent. Lemme guess, Depp will sport dark circles under his eyes, wiry hair and a british accent?
hi mr burton.i am iranian boy and i am animator.i will creat and animate mummy boy (your story).i very very very love this story.are you okay about this?i am creat this animation and give this gift for you.i hope like this.i love you sooooooooooooooooooo much. your lover mohammad zareh from iran.CERTAINLY come to iran.
Why don't you come up with your own original idea like Tim..oh wait.
Planet of the Apes, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Alice in Wonderland, Sweeney Todd...I guess you should do what you want.
Hostility... Jeez...
I like hearing about this pre production. Sounds like an interesting film, and Tim Burton will make it great.
Tim Burton should totally get Rupert Friend to play Roger Collins.
It's Barnabas Collins!
It's Barnabas Collins!! Geez
man l wish the update on tim burton's dark shadows movie was alittle more recent lt's almost june already
For all you youngins who don't remember Dark Shadows, there was also a Roger Collins. JEEZ!!!
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