Sunday, September 17, 2006

Burton nominated for award at

Tim Burton has been nominated for best director in the 1st Annual Reader's Poll, alongside Steven Spielberg, Peter Jackson, Quentin Tarantino and George Lucas. Burton is in fourth place at the moment, so if you want to show your support click here to vote.
In other news, there are reports that Sweeney Todd will begin filming at Pinewood Studios in England from the 5th February next year. Also Burton will be attending the 50th London Film Fesival, starting 18th October.


Anonymous said...

Good for him. He's long overdue for something like this. I'm still fumed about Corpse Bride's loss at the Oscars by the way.

Anonymous said...

Aw! Yay Timmy! but why is he in 4th?! Sorry PJ but the Burton man gets mah vote!

Squeeeee! i cant wait for Sweeney Todd! They should start filming tomorrow.

deppthinker said...

Well, that was kind of a fluffy, frivolous thing, wasn't it? Had to question some of the choices. They just don't make scary films like they used to and to list a SEQUEL as a nominee...Sheesh. Still, The Ring was , admittedly , a bit freaky , though I did vote for the Exorcist. Never could watch that thing straight through....But this is for Tim Burton, isn't it? I definately believe that Hollywood has snubbed him far too often simply because he's so far from the "mainstream"...but it is precisely for this reason that he deserves SO much more recognition. He is a true original....and his right hand man Mr. Depp has definately come a long way from 21 Jump Street.

Anonymous said...

YAY!!! I voted for him last night. I can't wait for Sweeney! HOOOOOORAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, i voted for him like 3 times, i really hope he wins he is amazing, i like got his books all his moovies, he's incredible good luck tim , and i audtioned for sweeney OMG, goood luck again
much love mikey xxxx

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How do you audition!!?!?!?
Vote for Tim!

Anonymous said...

I want a part!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even if it goes like I'm on screen for 2 seconds and behind a streetlamp, I want it!!!!

redfox said...

I voted !

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, check this out...

Anonymous said...

Hell Yeah! I'm not surprised at all!

Anonymous said...

Emily, how could you? That website said tim is the king of the emos!
And we are NOT emos!

Anonymous said...

All it said is that, all emo-punk bands on the planet and Goths came together just to see The Nightmare Before Christmas. Besides, we should just all get along with each other, and just band up on the preps that say "TNBC is stupid and lame only for goths" (Which by the way P*sses me off!) This is what they said,"became massive, spawning merchandise and a devoted cult following that included tons of goth kids, their younger siblings, basically every emo-punk band on the planet and a whole lot of decidedly un-emo acts too."

Anonymous said...

I mean if you were emo would'nt you want to play your song on The Nightmare? I'm not even a musician or singer and I would like to play in it.(because I guess I am catorgized under "Goth") That dose'nt even matter all that matters is that Tim Burton is not emo and this just was all Disney's doings. F**king Disney! TNBC is just fine just the way it is!!And besides if I were Tim Burton I'd be happy that so meny has admired him, but I was Danny Elfman then I would be devastated that they were going to chang his music.

Anonymous said...

G-d... message board spam. How ridiculous.

deppthinker said...

Come on , now , "anonymous". That's tacky. It truly is. On a MESSAGE BOARD? Desperate.

Anonymous said...

I've been voting every now and then.. I think I'm on my fourth vote. And he's still losing to Peter Jackson! What's up with that???

deppthinker said...

Meh....Peter Jackson....made a few insignificant, ridiculous films before finally impressing us with the visually stunning Lord of The Rings trilogy. No comment on King Kong, other than the fact that, at least, he went with the original movie script. Nicely done there. Still, he's not much in the way of originality, is he? Tim Burton has that in aces , a quality seriously lacking in Hollywood , and yet he's constantly passed over for what they call his "weirdness". Go figure.....

Anonymous said...

Keep voting! We just need to enlist the help of the depp fans. Seriously, check out how much he's winning by.

Anonymous said...

I vote like, once a day... and it's still not working!!!!!! Why do people like PETER JACKSON?? Sure, he made LOTR, but Tim!!!! He made ED WOOD! And Nightmare! And Beetlejuice!! And lots of other things that scream of awesomeness! What's wrong with people????

Jack said...

i'm really sorry to interupt but I just have a quick random question.
does anyone remember the music from the Corpse Bride trailer, at the end where it had the choir singing in the background. What movie was that song from, does anyone know?

Anonymous said...

How could he still be losing ? It just doesn't make any sense. Take my advice. VOTE! AND THEN VOTE SOME MORE!

Anonymous said...

I vote once a day...

Anonymous said...

Sometimes twice a day. But nope.

Anonymous said...

so to vote do you have to sign the thing on the end of the voteing page?

Anonymous said...

I keep voting too! Why is PETER JACKSON STILL WINNING??????? WHY???????

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!....everyone vote NOW!!
ive voted 6 times ok?!
you all do the same.....


let the man get some winnings!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Come on people!!! 2% to match PETER JACKSON!!! Vote faster!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Guys! I just read the fine print, it says you can't vote more than once a day!!!!

Anonymous said...

Seriously??? CRAP! Oh well, vote once a day!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, don't forget to vote for Natalie Portman too, because she did really good in V for Vendetta, don't ya think? She rocks!

Anonymous said...

Totally off subject. But I think Jeff Goldblum should be in Sweeney Todd.

We only get to vote once per day ?
COME ON! At this rate, we'll never get enough votes in, and he deserves this more than anyone.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Natalie Portman was awesome in V. We should vote for her... she was in Mars Attacks! as well. So that deserves some recognition too. ;-)

Anonymous said...

OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE POLLS ARE CLOSED!!! WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO???? HE'S STILL IN 3rd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Who does she play in Mars Attacks? Do you know?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, her name's Taffy.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I did'nt know that was her!? And how do you know Bonanza, that Tim is in 3rd?

Anonymous said...

when's there gonna be some new, exciting news posted on here?!?
jeez, i'm dieing here.

Anonymous said...

Because he was in third when the polls closed.

Anonymous said...

oh, ok. thanks bunches

Anonymous said...

countdown 'till nbc 3d comes out in theatres!!!:D:D:D

Anonymous said...

7 days!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so upset! Tim Burton didn't win! Stephen Speilburg won, loser! Tim Burton should of won! He was the greatest director ever! If Tim reads this, YOUR STILL THE BEST DIRECTOR IN THE WORLD TO ME AND THE GREATEST MOVIE MAKER IN THE WORLD AND WE ALL STILL LOVE YOU!!!!!

Anonymous said...